Thursday, April 7, 2011

The 5 Steps To Reclaim Our Heritage

Step 1. The Annihilation of Israel and Zionism.
Step 2. The Presidental Campaign Of Dr David Duke.
Step 3. The Rise of The New Australian National Socialist Party.
Step 4. Freedom of Media, Freedom of Politics, Economic Freedom.
Step 5. The Seperatism from foreign ethnicities.

The New Australian National Socialist Party will rise!!!

Our Only Hope!!

The Revolution Is Drawing Closer.

For those who think a Revolution on Israel is a joke can laugh now and cry later. I have contacted numerous Arabic individuals who are preparing for a war against the true form of Terrorism. For if Israel is annihilated, our media, our education, or politics are freed.

But what if USA join in??
There is no doubt USA will be the first dogs to follow the wagging tail of Zionism, what could this lead to?

There is some of the world's most famous prophets who have predicted the Jewish race will be the main responsibility for the destruction of our existence.
I sit here and hope that our white race realises that the first step to consciousness is revolution!!

Because if Israel dies, then the first step to our uprising is complete.