Thursday, June 9, 2011

Official UANSP Application Form.


Date of Birth:



Phone Number:


Why are you interested in joining The United Australian National Socialist Party??:

How many hours a week can you work on posting blogs on this webpage??:

This is the official application letter of The United Australian National Socialist Party.


  1. Name: Paula Senao

    Date of Birth: 19/08/1993

    Hometown: Thursday Island

    Postcode: 4875

    Phone Number: +61 7 5550 7742
    (Home): 07 5550 7742

    Interests/Hobbies: Listening to Nazi Music

    Why are you interested in joining The United Australian National Socialist Party??: I love Right-Wing politics :D

    How many hours a week can you work on posting blogs on this webpage??: 24

  2. Paula Senao, National Socialism is not Right Wing. It's Center-left. Hitler himself had Socialistic views and often denounced capitalism (as did the state itself). You're not a National Socialist just because you listen to National Socialist music.
    That's a nothing thing to, you consider yourself a National Socialist whilst at the same time use the allied derogatory term "Nazi". How ironic, I think you all should go join Squadron 88, those loser Sturmabteilung wannabes could use some more idiots.

  3. Name: Drunkenprofesser

    Date of Birth: 17/01/1998



    Phone Number:

    Interests/Hobbies:military history, building military models, making Australia strong again, fighting for the rights of her citizens

    Why are you interested in joining The United Australian National Socialist Party??:

    How many hours a week can you work on posting blogs on this webpage??:3-4
