Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Right For Every Australian To Defend Themselves!!

How often does it occur? Crime of every degree, Robbery, Murder, Rape, Assault, Kidnapping etc are skyrocketing in our own country, the once safe Australia is now a cesspool haven for illegal immigrants, teenage thugs, organised crime and ethnic racism on white people. It is pretty much now unsafe to take a casual walk in neighbourhoods such as Redfern, Bankstown, Cabramatta, Punchbowl, Mt Druitt, Emerton, Doonside, Blacktown, Seven Hills, Cambelltown, Macquarie Fields, Lakember etc. And in most of these cases the victim is generally white. Now let me tell the left wing ultra protectionist greens, if diversity was such an amazing thing, why don't you move to Louis Street or Everleigh Street in Redfern and take your hippie multiculturalist ethnic loving propaganda with you and see how far you will get and how much they will really care!!

I propose for The Australian United National Socialist Party, the right for trusted and proven citizens to bear arms and have the right to self defence, but there are many issues on both sides of the story. If guns are enabled, it would be easier for an excuse to kill a person you don't like and when approached by authorities justify your cause by stating "I was using it in self defence, do you have any proof I wasn't?" This would be hard for the authorities to decide wether this person is telling the truth, and if that case drops, many other people will use it as a legitimate excuse to pardon away from murder, which will eventually lead to the collapse of the principals of self defence and potentially imprison innocent people who were actually defending themselves.

But on the pro side, a person armed would feel more confident walking down the streets, and if Australians are granted the right to an armed weapon petty thugs, rapists, murderers, kidnappers, gang members could think twice before approaching an elderly woman.

I believe Australians have the right to defend themselves, I believe Australians have the right to freedom!!

But there is an issue facing this potential freedom, I believe every Australian between the age of 14 - 17 must complete a 6 month military course to have the freedom to own an armed weapon. A 6 month military course must involve with programs such as:
  1. Learning to properly handle and use a firearm.
  2. Learning how to clean and assemble a firearm.
  3. Learning the freedoms and serious issues of owning a firearm.
  4. Hand to hand combat (In case the adolescent does not have a firearm on them at the time.)
  5. Australia's new constitution, our freedoms and rights.
  6. Learning to respond to a national crisis, eg (war, natural disaster, missiles etc.)
For the 6 months taken to complete the course an optional additional 3 months may be added under the choice of the recruit to allow further training and development of skills. After the additional 3 month course, students may enlist in the Australian Armed Forces to serve their country.

The situation is becoming critical and serious as more and more crime is on the rise in the quiet surburban streets of our own backyards.
We must learn not to harm another person with a firearm, unless you know your safety is in jeporady!!

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