- The Complete Cease of Illegal Immigration: This core policy is set on the limitation and eventual stop of Illegal Immigration. This policy must be undertaken in order to strengthen and fabricate a united nationalist state. We cannot unite our people together with the continued flow of Illegal Immigrants. Our governments are currently rolling out the red carpet for more and more boats of Illegal Immigrants, to lock them up in detention centres for a period of time and then grant them funds from our taxes and cluster them in housing commission areas. This is not what Australia should be about.. This is not what our once great nation should be. Illegal Immigrants are clustered into commissionised areas with high crime rates, and with the mix of hip-hop music and western society the youth will gain a sense of nationalist pride and form gangs to intimidate and attack innocent people. There are moral ethics to the freedom and right's of any person who wants to become Australian, but there is a line with these ethics and the line is being crossed.
- A Brand New System of Economy: Capitalism is on the inevitable verge of collapse with the excessive greed and spending of our globalized corporations and media. Capitalism is a rabid dog that has been let off it's leash to poison and pollute the principals of good bussiness. Capitalism does not benefit the people, nor the state, it benefits the rich while the hungry hand of Globalization clusters into the wallets of the poor. In our new system of economy every Australian who is a decent working individual should be grtanted with a reasonable income, we must cut off tax eg. Miners tax, Carbon tax, etc, hidden tax eg. GST. We must lower interest rates in banks to 3%. We must expell the large amounts of different banks for the Australian economy to have 2 - 3 different banks with the same principles and offers that can benefit any person, the incompetence of banks must stop. We must destory the communist agenda of our Labor and Liberal tyrants and stabalize our economy, the way it should be. We must build more projects abound Australia and increase the GDP, develop new towns and decentralize large cities to allow the growth and stability of developing towns which would cut down excessively high housing costs and crime rates. We must strengthen our borders with a more powerful and well funded militarization of Australia from possible foreign invaders. And finally we must develop alternate ways for energy, cut off carbon tax, convert to electric cars, hydrogen powered cars, natural gas resources would lower the costs of electricity in a great deal.
- Abolish Multiculturalism: It has been proven multiculturalism is failing, with the mixture of different ideas and cultures all clustered into one small space it tends to destabalize the socio-economic factors. Australia must be pure and white again. Australia must keep it's identity. It is proving that our race will soon die out as in the USA the white population is soon to become a minority, and eventually white people will be bred out and the founders of the USA, the ones to flourish will become extinct. Even in Australia we are soon to become a minority, it is fact that 301,000 Australians are born every year, but the number of immigrants entering our country a year is 382,710, the majority from Asia and The Middle East. Australia's current population is 22,637,561, currently 85% of Australia is white, but with the numbers if immigration growing every year within the next 50 years White australia will become a minority. Multiculturalism would work with a disciplined state, but with the upcoming generations and teenage rebellion and impressionable ideas our country will be overpopulated and our youth will follow a pathway of crime, and if not crime then racially discriminated against by foreigners with a sense of their own nationalist pride.
- Free trade: Australia must keep their bussinesses Australian, we must not sell off our assets to foreign investors with only one puropse, to profit off our annual income, we are losing billions because of our careless bussiness ethics and selling our hard working companies to the first money hungry globalist. We must make our products Australian made, me must avoid trading with sweatshops and purchasing items for an excessive amount of money which are only worth 20 cents. We are being ripped off. A lot of the reason we are not earning as much money as we should be is out government is being ripped off and taxed for buying products from overseas. We must annihilate the monopolistic corporations ran by the government which rise retail prices and rip us off out of our hard earned money.
- Establish a More Safer Australia: We must form a vigilante wing to cease crime around our cities, this would help with the decay of large criminal organizations and drug trafficing rings. A more stable and competent police force, we must build more projects that are suitable for our youth, that can be educational and fun. We must pave a way for the future of Australia, more nobel prize winners, awards, more prestigious people. Australia needs to be pure, intelligent, educated, disciplined, and most of all SAFE!!
- Increased budgets on Hospitals, Education, and other essential services: This should help with the developing generations and make school fun and appeal to all students, also this would help with University students and the development of more technology, Hospitals must be more staffed and more modern with advanced technology and up to date procedures, and services must be more funded to provide a more expanded category of serivces. The education system should grant what I call a reward income, for every student that successfuly completes year 9, 10, 11, and 12 every completed year will grant a reasonable sum of money. This should encourage children to stay at school and have a reason to strive for the best. Our schools must be well disciplined with the compromisation of our students, punishment is one sided in our schools now, punishment should be respected for the real cause of the problem. Students should get more leeway then they already do. School hours should be taken down to 4 and a half hours a day with optional weekend schooling for the students who are committed.
- Australia First: We must put Australian's first, ahead of our international collaborations and relations. We must ensure the rights and freedoms of every Australian. We must stick to our original constitution, we must hold our freedom and our heritage.
- Bring The Troops Home: We need to withdraw our troops from the Middle East, we are fighting and losing soldiers to a war with no cause, a war not in Australian interests, but Israel's interests. We must bring every soldier home and welcome them with the ultimate celebration, a nationwide party commerorating our fallen troops and our troops who have returned home. It is time we take back and repair the peices our governments have ruthlessly torn to shreds in the last two decades.
- Free Our Media, Free Our Minds: History needs to be taught the correct way, we must learn about our ancestors, we must learn about our culture, about our struggles and the abuse of our civil rights, we must tell the truth about Australian history, not the one sided version the liberalists want us to hear. We must be acknowledged the Aboriginal people caused acts of terror to the european settlers. We are taught how Captain Cook was a murderer, and the aboriginal renegade Pemulwuy was honoured and considered a hero for the rape and murder of dozens of White Europeans. We must avoid the indoctrination of "tolerance" that is used to profit for the globalized media. Our Media must be fair and free, we must not grant access to Zionists and their incessant need to control our Media. We must go full throttle to ensure our media and our education becomes free from corruption.
The Rules of TAUNSP include:
- There will be no movements or coups to divide the party, if anybody challenges the authority of the high party, termination will occur.
- If any rules are broken in The Australian United National Socialist Party, the individual/group have the right to a commitee tribunal for redemption if the offense is light.
- We have the rights and rules to speak our minds, any idea will be acknowledged and discussed for the better of Australia.
Bayden Duke, Leader of The Australian United National Socialist Party.