Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Obama Deception

The Puropse Of Zionism In The Media And It's Effects On Our Youth.

This is a little report I have decided to express about the effects the mainstream media are force feeding our youth such as:
  • Demoralization.
  • Historial Lies and Half Truths.
  • Misconception of Ideas.
  • Propaganda (Political, Social, Racial)
  • Desensitization.
And much more.

Some people deny the "ridiculous conspiracy theory" that Israeli extremists control the mainstream media, but I have proof otherwise. "Jews totally run Hollywood" a quote from Joel Stein in the latimes articles. Don't believe me? Look it up for yourself.

CBS, CNN, FOX, Disney, BBC, NBC, Warner Bros, Newscorp, MTV, etc etc. They are all pro Israel, and a lot of them are even zionist extremists. The effects that have taken a turn on the audience are generally negative. For the younger generation, the mainstream media is the worst if not controlled.

MTV for example completely destroyes the concept of original beauty and intelligence. It shows the shallow and superficial ways of life and actually promotes them. It teaches young teenagers to be "cool" and throw parties, and have excessive underage sex, and to wear a ton of makeup to impress "the boys" In the MTV hit Jersey Shore, every character is a dimwitted barbie doll which holds no significant traits except to young teenagers "they are COOL"

Disney is another example of Political Brainwashing, teaching racism against Muslims and subliminally promoting the New World Order, and praising Jews. I have a clip of a scary example of Political Brainwashing on Disney show "Suite life on Deck."

Does this not look suspicious, it makes perfect sense. They do not expect little children to research Kensian Economics and even Malthusian Theory. That is proof of the New World Order plotting to control our population, to exterminate the "unworthy"

The other clip just above is more proof about the Zionist domination about ainstream media. The clip features David Duke abslouting handing it out to Jewish extremist Wolf Blitzer.

There are so many hard evidences about Israels grip over the media, and we must fight against those Zionists to free our media from a control and one sided story.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

David Duke - US Senator Charles Schumer Exposed

Thankyou For The Views

Thankyou everyone for the first half of the year views. It is rather impressive that I had only 3 months ago created this blog. Luckily I had made the page more appealing and our views have jumped to 120 from 50 in 2 weeks. For everyone who is reading my blog and who is interested, The United Australian National Socialist Party is a serious idea of mine and I would hope to form a united and true form of Government within the next few years. I would appreciate it if people would leave comments on my articles, if so I would respond as quick as possible. If you want to privately Email me then feel free to leave me an Email.

I am true to my word, I am true to my Country, and I am true to my Race.


Leader Of The United Australian National Socialist Party.

The Core Policies of The New Australian National Socialist Party

  1. Completely Cease Immigration: This policy is set on the reduction and eventual stop of Illegal Immigration. This policy must be taken in order to strengthen and fabricate a nationalist state. We cannot bring our people together with the flow of Illegal immigrants and migrants.
  2. A Brand New System Of Economy: Capitalism is on the inevitable brink of collapse, Capitalism has lost control and been let off the leash. Capitalism does not benefit the people, it does not benefit the state. Capitalism only benefits the rich and strips the poor. A system of economy should grant every Australian the opportunity to have a genuine flow of cash. Eg. Increased building projetcs, more job offers, A more strengthened militarization of Australia, more factories, and even a nuclear plant.
  3. Abolish Unessecary Taxes: The recent Gillard action of introducitn Carbon tax is just another hand reaching into our wallets and stealing more of our hard earned money. As if we need to pay more to survive. Our politicians state Carbon tax is just another way to make the cost of living harder. Well maybe Carbon tax, Work Choice, Miners Tax, etc etc etc are just ridiculous and superficial eco-conservative and labour ideas just to suck more cash out of our wallets. Mr Abbot, to make the cost of living cheaper?? Why not cut off all ridiculous taxes instead of just Carbon tax?? The only reason you oppose Carbon Tax is because that is a part of your job.
  4. Abolish Multiculturalism: Multiculturalism is the failing process of merging different cultures together, in some ways it benefits us, but in other ways it leads to crime, gangs, poverty, and exceedingly high funds to maintain the prison system. Multiculturalism would work with a disciplined state, but with the upcoming generations and teenage rebellion and impressionable ideas our country will be overpopulated and our youth will follow a pathway of crime, and if not crime then racially discriminated against.
  5. Keep Australian bussinesses AUSTRALIAN!!: We must not sell our hard work to foreign investors, we must keep Australia AUSTRALIA! We must not sell off our properties and bussinesses to the foreign investors.
  6. Establish A More Safe Australia: This policy is based on forming a police wing to protect and keep neighbourhoods safe, we must from a neighbourhood watch to protect citizens from crime, to destabalize street gangs and keep justice within the state.
  7. Decentralization of big bussiness into smaller developing towns: This would help the economy, provide Australians with much more employment opportunities, develop a population growth, and keep the public happy.
  8. Increased Spending On Education, Hospitals, And Essential Services: This should help with the developing generations and make school fun and appeal to all students, also this wuold help with University students and the development of more technology, Hospitals must be more staffed and more modern with advanced technology and up to date procedures, and services must be more funded to provide a more expanded category of serivces.
  9. The Unification Of Australia: We must unite every pure Australian to be a proud people, we must think of ourselves before the wants of foreigners. Australia must be kept AUSTRALIA!!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Dr David Duke - Wicked Witch Osama and Wizard Obama

The Hypocrisy of Racism.

There are so many fundamental flaws in our system when it comes to "racism." It is pointed out every day and generally ignored, but only ignored when it is directed towards a white person.

Our system feels so compelled to give the struggling black man a hand, and help him overcome his historical injustices. But it is too late for that redemption, The stolen generation was over 40 years ago and our leaders need to get it through their heads that no matter how much support or aid they give to a minority they will continue to fail and destabalize.

  1. If a black man calls a white man a "cracker, honky, white boy" it is seen a comedy, it is ignored by the public. But if a white man calls a black man a "Nigger, Coon, Porch Monkey" he is a racist.
  2. If a group of black men brutally assault a white man and leave him for dead, it is considered assault. But if a group of white men brutally assault a black man, it is consided a hate crime, and sometimes even shown on national news.
  3. The Australian flag represents ALL AUSTRALIANS, and the Aboriginal flag ONLY represents Aboriginal people. But if a flag was made for whites only, then it would be "RACIST"
  4. AUSTUDY and ABSTUDY are the exact same centrelink benefits, but why the hell do they have two different names?? This awfully sounds like racial seperatism.
  5. To enrol in a course at University, College etc, for a white person it is the full cost. Eg. My course was $955, but for Aboriginal people the cost was $0 most people would justify that as "the course is free because Aboriginal people need a chance for an education, they are poor and need it" Well what if there was a white person who had a poor drug fucked family and wanted an education?? Still they would have to pay the full price.

So why do our leaders continue to discriminate on their own?? Our government have no idea about the way a country should be ran. I watched a debate on carbon tax last night on APAC (Australian Public Affairs Channel) and the debate was about as intelligent as a drug addict rambling on about the apocolypse. So many people despise racism, and the majority of people who despise racism are themselves denying someones human rights to justify the actions of another. Why is our planet riddled with stupidity. Our media is controlled and our government is ran by a pack of incompetent fools.