Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Jewish Terrorism Against The United States!!

Hello, I am Bayden Duke, bringing you the latest article from The Australian United National Socialist Party.
Today I am going to discuss the true murderers and terrorists and expose them for who they really are!

The state of Israel has committed atrocities against the USA, The Palestinian People, but most importantly, Israel have committed atrocities against the world. I am going to list them down as far as I can until I cannot think anymore. But first I am going to briefly descrive the crimes against humanity Israel have perpetrated, and hope that the people reading this will understand where I am coming from. I am not doing this blog or forming this party for the reasons of abhorrence against any ethnic groups as every race has the right to preserve themselves. But they only have the right to preserve themselves in THEIR country. I am forming this party and writing articles every week for the reason I am a defender for my heritage, my family, but most importantly, my country. People will no doubtedly call me racist, anti-semetic, neo nazi etc etc. BUT IF STATING THE FACTS AND THE TRUTH MAKES YOU A RACIST, OR AN ANTI-SEMITE, OR EVEN A NEO NAZI, THEN BY HELL I AM A RACIST, I AM A ANTI-SEMITE, I AM A NEO NAZI!!

I need to get the facts straight why I am doing this.
Do you want your children to grow up in the world where softcore porn is the mainstream label, where girl stereotypes are replaced from skirts, jeans, shorts, to bras and undies?? Do you want a pregnant 11 year old daughter?? Do you want your daughter sneaking out every night at 12 years old to smoke pot, get drunk and fornicate with as many guys as possible?? Do you want your daughter to move out of home at 14 years old despising your parental methods and rebelling to run away from home, fornicate with men for lifts, drug addiction, alcoholism etc etc????

NO!! Nobody wants that!!

Do you want your son to turn violent against you?? Do you want a drug addicted son?? A father at 14?? A son who associates with low life street trash, to drop out of school and end up in jail for rape, robbery, or murder??

NO!! Nobody wants that!!

This is why I am doing what I do today, because of the trasformation of the next generation from potential successes to superficial sheep, tuning into Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Rhianna, 50 Cent, Usher, Amy Winehouse, Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, Tupac etc etc. These artists are nothing more than corporate sellouts, they loop beats on a computer, modify their voices and sing basic lyrics! The morph of musical culture is not progressing, instead it is declining to a computer, simple beats on a loop, modified vocals, and demoralizing lyrics. AND THE OWNERS OF 80% OF THESE MUSICAL COMPANIES, ARE ZIONISTS!!!!!!

But that isn't my point entirely, I was only summarizing my point of why I am doing this for any person curious.

I will now point out the acts of terrorism, murder, assassination Israel have committed against America.
  1. 1967 - The Attack On The USS Liberty: This is the attack on a US Technical Research ship by Israeli Air Forces and Israeli Navy Torpedo Boats. After being exposed for the crime Israel blatently lied about the murder stating "it was an accident" Yet the film footage showed differently. 34 Crewmen were killed and 171 Crewmen wounded. It couldn't have been an accident when you stood foot on the ship and looked an American in the eyes and killed him. Israel paid out compensation to the families of the killed Crewmen, $3,323,500 was issued between the families of the killed US soldiers. But where do you think the money came from?? We all know the money paid was from American tax payers money, and all Israel did was just give their money back. The minds of the nation have been corrupted by the one sided Zionist controlled media due to sites like wikipedia etc.
  2. 1954 - The Lavon Affair: This is the attack Israel planned to bomb Egyptian, British and American owned targets, such as Libraries. The Israeli military intelligence agency recruited Egyptian-Jews to place bombs inside Egyptian, British and American targets to blame Egyptians and label them "terrorists" but were caught out. Israel admitted to the terrorist attack and were still given money from American taxpayers, and in 2005 they were given medals and called heroes!!
and we support this propaganda?