Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Hypocrisy of Racism.

There are so many fundamental flaws in our system when it comes to "racism." It is pointed out every day and generally ignored, but only ignored when it is directed towards a white person.

Our system feels so compelled to give the struggling black man a hand, and help him overcome his historical injustices. But it is too late for that redemption, The stolen generation was over 40 years ago and our leaders need to get it through their heads that no matter how much support or aid they give to a minority they will continue to fail and destabalize.

  1. If a black man calls a white man a "cracker, honky, white boy" it is seen a comedy, it is ignored by the public. But if a white man calls a black man a "Nigger, Coon, Porch Monkey" he is a racist.
  2. If a group of black men brutally assault a white man and leave him for dead, it is considered assault. But if a group of white men brutally assault a black man, it is consided a hate crime, and sometimes even shown on national news.
  3. The Australian flag represents ALL AUSTRALIANS, and the Aboriginal flag ONLY represents Aboriginal people. But if a flag was made for whites only, then it would be "RACIST"
  4. AUSTUDY and ABSTUDY are the exact same centrelink benefits, but why the hell do they have two different names?? This awfully sounds like racial seperatism.
  5. To enrol in a course at University, College etc, for a white person it is the full cost. Eg. My course was $955, but for Aboriginal people the cost was $0 most people would justify that as "the course is free because Aboriginal people need a chance for an education, they are poor and need it" Well what if there was a white person who had a poor drug fucked family and wanted an education?? Still they would have to pay the full price.

So why do our leaders continue to discriminate on their own?? Our government have no idea about the way a country should be ran. I watched a debate on carbon tax last night on APAC (Australian Public Affairs Channel) and the debate was about as intelligent as a drug addict rambling on about the apocolypse. So many people despise racism, and the majority of people who despise racism are themselves denying someones human rights to justify the actions of another. Why is our planet riddled with stupidity. Our media is controlled and our government is ran by a pack of incompetent fools.


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