"It is a pinnacle of human history that the world's most wanted man has finally been put down and the world can progress and safer place."
That is what any mindless ignorant sheep would instantly assume without a single question.
Our world has now distorted to a decay in intelligence and culture, yesterday I travelled all around town to see hundreds of Australian people talking about the death of Osama Bin Laden.
"Oh I can't believe the American's have finally got him"
Countless Osama Bin Laden jokes from the believers.
There is so much more evidence suggesting that this "asassination" is a hoax than it had actually happened.
1. Where is the photographic evidence suggesting Osama Bin Laden is truly dead? There is apparently photographic evidence, but why is the U.S government refusing to show it? "The image is too graphic and gory?" There is a thing called "War Pornography" which involves thousands of clips of suicide bombings, beheadings. sniper headshots, drone attacks, close combat, dead children, raped women etc, etc, etc. There is another thing called hollywood where almost every mainstream film has high level graphic violence.
Why are the Americans so anxious and cautious about the image being too graphic? It is the 21st century everything you see resembles pain, suffering or death.
2. I noticed on Al Jazeera the American military apparently "had" targets all over Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Russia etc. This operation had been "planned" for months. The U.S sent in over "30 special forces soldiers" and attack helicopters. If this event had been planned for months, with some of the world's most elitely trained infantry, as a pose to Osama Bin Laden, another two men, and his wife, isn't it funny that the U.S couldn't capture him alive, although managing to extract numerous targets in relation to any group for deacdes?
The USA should have the ability to take him alive and interrogate him for information, then our questions would have been answered, about other al queada leaders, links, other "terrorist" groups etc etc.
3. Bin Laden was shot twice in the side of the head, and then almost instantly sent off to sea? He has had DNA tests with incredibly quick results that "proved" to be him? And the excuse if for no Islamic extremists to create a shrine and worship him? You wouldn't need to bury him in Pakistan, you would take his body to USA like you would to anybody else.
9/11 has cost the American people thousands of lives and millions of dollars of damage, not to add on the TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS that the American propaganda has fabricated to pay for a war nobody even needed. The people of America have every right to see and look at the body of the man who had apparently caused the most destructive terrorist attack in history. America can celebrate the death of a "terrorist" what about the thousands of muslim lives you have taken during your occupation, or even the Israeli occupation.
4. The time of Bin Laden's death corresponds 2 weeks after Obama's presidential election kicks off and almost 2 weeks before the apparent Third Palestinian Intifada. I have my own fabricated idea on why all of these events are linked and why all of them are so sudden.
My theory is:
The U.S.A and Israel know of the upcoming revolution of the Muslim world and the unity all for one real purpose. To launch a mass coup against Israel. Palestine have refused a "peace solution" with Israel and instead reconcilled with Hamas and Fatah who are both extreme despisers of Israel. The Muslim people of Egypt, Yemen, Syria, Palestine, Tuinisia, etc are all uniting under one banner to launch a massive attack on Israel. I believe the U.S.A has decided to stage the "assassination" of Bin Laden for an excuse to Withdraw troops from Iraq, Afghanistan to deploy units and prepare for defence with Israel against the apparent upcoming attack.
This is all suspicious and I don't buy into that propaganda one bit. I am sick of the lies and the deception of the mass media, and I am ready to take a stand. The Australian uprising must occur and I will lead our race to glory.