Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Why Libya?

Why Libya??

by Bayden Duke on Monday, August 1, 2011 at 4:15pm
People need to think, why of all places to fight we have to start war in Libya? What threat does Libya pose to us? And are we even prepared for another large scale war? We must look at it in a direct approach. How large and powerful is gadaffis army? Does the libyan army have and WMD's? How much money will the war cost for the USA? And most importantly, will our Aussie troops be pulled into a war we do not need and how much blood would we lose? The libyan uprising came into place when the middle east came into the "Arab spring" all over north Africa and the middle east the people are fighting against the crippling governments, no action was taken for months until Libya came into civil war. Why do the usa need to interfere? Perhaps because Libya is a high resource for oil. America wouldn't give a damn about Libya when there are far worse countries in need. And what has NATO achieved of this?? Bombing and murdering civilians, more debt $$$$, and more reason to hate our people. It's a matter of time before our troops are deployed and put in danger for no cause. Why arent our troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan already?? Time is leading up to a mass global conflict I myself have predicted. Israel will push war with Iran, usa will interfere and Australia will be forced into a mass war. We must forget international conflicts, and we must deal with our own issues. AUSTRALIA IS AUSTRALIA!! AND AUSTRALIA MUST BE PUT FIRST!! - Bayden Duke.

What has multiculturalism actually achieved for Australia?

We are consistently taught in school that multiculturalism is what makes Australia... Australia. But when you stop to think, multiculturalism is not what makes Australia, Australia. Multiculturalism is what makes Australia, war torn Africa, Islamic extremism, Overpopulated Asia, etc. The reason we get immigrants is because the evils in their country, and what multiculturalism does is CUT the cancer our of a destabilized country and place it in us to progressively and ominously develop. This infects our country, our way of life, and our safety to let in traumatic refugees. Think about it, would you let a family board your home who the father hits his wife and children, would you let a family board your house, then tell their families to move in with them until you have 100 families wanting to live in your home? Let alone would you want a family to board in your house who can barely speak a word of English?.... Multiculturalism is just a tool to make money, to save businesses thousands of dollars for employees who would work hard for little money. That alone is a factor that upsets me. We than have the refugees/immigrants trying to push their culture onto us .. THE CULTURE THAT THEY ALL CAME HERE TO ESCAPE FROM!!! They don't give a damn about us or our values. Multiculturalism is the reason when proud white Europeans try to celebrate our culture, it is "racist" that is why our national pride is decaying, and our youth are turning a blind eye on the issues facing our race, and the sole responsibility, the zionists. We all have the potential to wake up. This is a call to anybody interested. The Australia United National Socialist Party is recruiting willing members.

Realism, not Racism.

So many people get racism confused with realism, well we know racism is a tool used to combat and elude us from the truth. The word has caused more damage than the atomic bomb. Australians realize that being proud of your culture, and putting your kids first isn't racism, it is realism. Stating facts about ethnic crime etc is not racism, it is realism. Racism is ABSTUDY, racism is our government bowing to the needs illegal aliens. Racism is Chinese, Muslim, aboriginal only groups, territories. It is a good person to care about all humans but you must realize there is a line to draw. If tolerance for another culture endangers your or your child's life, it would be racist to leave your child out. What we need to learn is we are different species, and we need to know that. We are taught race is only skin colour, and we are all the same, then why is racism such an issue? Why? Because the left wing Marxist globalists know that is not the case, they know we are different species. One lie, which has kept racial awarness is "tolerance'. Tolerance is about putting up with other cultures, but tolerance is taught to direct us away from consciousness, to imbed fear into our people, racism isn't an issue with black on Asian, Muslim on black, let alone black on white, it is only racism when a white is on the giving end. And this is how tolerance works, to confuse our interpretation between racism and realism. WAKE UP!! Join the AUNSP, we will educate you with the truth.

How Jews Divide And Conquer.

As we know Jews do their jobs by using their main tool, "divide and conquer." They achieve this by splitting our social culture into many different groups, and the puppet they use to achieve this is: Music, Fashion, Style etc. Our youth has been divided into several groups or "stereotypes" such as: Mainstream, Emo, Gangsta, Nerds, Jocks etc. This technique splits the lifestyles and opinions of our people while Jews also cleverly give the groups main aims to accomplish. They create dissention between our people to distract us from our main goal. Hence why white boys want to be "cool" and "tough' and follow the actions of black teenagers, why our women interracially mix, and why our young teenagers believe virginity is a curse and it must be lost ASAP. Musicians who dress half naked and sing about sex and lust. This is directed towards our youth, a classic example is lady Gaga, a zionist puppet. The feminist movement was established to slow down our breeding and draw our females away from reality. Hollywood runs our world, and Hollywood establishes the idea of being "cool' promoting drug use, underage sex, violence etc. This tool demoralizes our children and allow them to accept the dangers of our world today as normal and cool. The Jews are succeeding with this are it must be stopped. Avoid Disney channel, mtv, CNN, BBC, fox, cbs, history channel, etc.- Bayden Duke.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Australian United National Socialist Party (Official) Meeting.

Hello, to anybody who is viewing my blog and lives in Melbourne, make sure you turn up to our meeting. We are renting a hall for 3 hours and doing a series of speeches about our policies, Australia, our views, etc. There will be food and drinks, and after there will be a pub crawl.

If you are interested please email me @




Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Updated Decleration Of The Australian United National Socialist Party!

  1. The Complete Cease of Illegal Immigration: This core policy is set on the limitation and eventual stop of Illegal Immigration. This policy must be undertaken in order to strengthen and fabricate a united nationalist state. We cannot unite our people together with the continued flow of Illegal Immigrants. Our governments are currently rolling out the red carpet for more and more boats of Illegal Immigrants, to lock them up in detention centres for a period of time and then grant those funds from our taxes and cluster them in housing commission areas. This is not what Australia should be about.. This is not what our once great nation should be. Illegal Immigrants are clustered into commissioned areas with high crime rates, and with the mix of hip-hop music and western society the youth will gain a sense of nationalist pride and form gangs to intimidate and attack innocent people. There are moral ethics to the freedom and rights of any person who wants to become Australian, but there is a line with these ethics and the line is being crossed. The Australian United National Socialist Party believes the preservation of our Australian heritage, a proud unified state, and the concern of our own race before others are the most desired fundamentals.

  1. A Brand New System of Economy: Capitalism is on the inevitable verge of collapse with the excessive greed and spending of our globalized corporations and media. Capitalism is a rabid dog that has been let off its leash to poison and pollute the principals of good business. Capitalism does not benefit the people, or the state, it benefits the rich while the hungry hand of Globalization clusters into the wallets of the poor. In our new system of economy every Australian who is a decent working individual should be granted with a reasonable income, we must cut off tax eg. Miners tax, Carbon tax, etc., hidden tax eg. GST. We must lower interest rates in banks to 3%. We must expel the large amounts of different banks for the Australian economy to have 2 - 3 different banks with the same principles and offers that can benefit any person, the incompetence of banks must stop. We must destroy the communist agenda of our Labor and Liberal tyrants and stabilize our economy, the way it should be. We must build more projects abound Australia and increase the GDP, develop new towns and decentralize large cities to allow the growth and stability of developing towns which would cut down excessively high housing costs and crime rates. We must strengthen our borders with a more powerful and well-funded militarization of Australia from possible foreign invaders. And finally we must develop alternate ways for energy, cut off carbon tax, convert to electric cars, hydrogen powered cars, natural gas resources would lower the costs of electricity in a great deal. The Australian United National Socialist Party believes that Australia has the potential to avoid a global financial crisis, we believe nationalism would be a great and effective tool to avoid any form of economic destabilization. If the right strategy is put into practise.

  1. Organic Farming & Water: The Australian United National Socialist Party deeply believes every Australian should be treated to pure Australian fruits and vegetables. Not only can every Australian have the right to eat them, but also the right to grow them for cheaper and better quality. Every new house should be fitted with a water tank to help preserve water and make water use twice as cheap. Farmers have an option to purchase more land outside their own for the higher development of wheat, grain, meat, vegetables etc. to cut prices for products to benefit Australian families.

  1. The Eradication of Fluoride in Our Water: What we are told is that water is healthy and great for us and that it helps filtrate our kidneys etc. But what we don’t know is Fluoride is added into our water system, what we are told about fluoride is it helps prevent tooth decay. But we know that is not the case, Fluoride is added into anti-psychosis drugs to draw the mind out of consciousness and allow it to absorb more indirect sources which would be generally be unnoticed. It also causes diseases in the bone and heart problems. It is disgusting that almost every natural source of food or water has been genetically and chemically altered. We do not get water for free, we do not get food for free, everything comes at a cost, and for that is the reason the monopolistic corporations stay in business and continue to profit from our losses. Water will be free of fluoride no matter what.

  1. The Cease of Unemployment and Homelessness: One thing which is upsetting is the lack of help and compromise given for the homeless. We know a lot of homeless people are drug addicts, mentally ill, kicked out of homes etc. I believe for an alternate way to help homeless people despite their circumstances. I believe a series of options such as, military service, care, employment, and rehabilitation would suffice. For convicts sent to prison, the law will be a lot easier on the offenders and give them 2 chances. When a man is released he is given an option, to work supervised, or to join the military. If he breaks the law again he will either be sent to life in prison or conscripted into the military. But for crimes such as rape, paedophilia, first degree murder etc. will be fairly punished by the victim’s family.

  1. Abolish Multiculturalism: It has been proven multiculturalism is failing, with the mixture of different ideas and cultures all clustered into one small space it tends to destabilize the socio-economic factors. Australia must be pure and white again. Australia must keep its identity. It is proving that our race will soon die out as in the USA the white population is soon to become a minority, and eventually white people will be bred out and the founders of the USA, the ones to flourish will become extinct. Even in Australia we are soon to become a minority, it is fact that 301,000 Australians are born every year, but the number of immigrants entering our country a year is 382,710, the majority from Asia and The Middle East. Australia's current population is 22,637,561, currently 85% of Australia is white, but with the numbers if immigration growing every year within the next 50 years White Australia will become a minority. Multiculturalism would work with a disciplined state, but with the upcoming generations and teenage rebellion and impressionable ideas our country will be overpopulated and our youth will follow a pathway of crime, and if not crime then racially discriminated against by foreigners with a sense of their own nationalist pride.

  1. Free trade: Australia must keep their businesses Australian, we must not sell off our assets to foreign investors with only one purpose, to profit off our annual income, and we are losing billions because of our careless business ethics and selling our hard working companies to the first money hungry globalist. We must make our products Australian made; I must avoid trading with sweatshops and purchasing items for an excessive amount of money which are only worth 20 cents. We are being ripped off. A lot of the reason we are not earning as much money as we should be is out government is being ripped off and taxed for buying products from overseas. We must annihilate the monopolistic corporations ran by the government which rise retail prices and rip us off out of our hard earned money.

  1. Establish a More Safer Australia: We must form a vigilante wing to cease crime around our cities, this would help with the decay of large criminal organizations and drug trafficking rings. A more stable and competent police force, we must build more projects that are suitable for our youth that can be educational and fun. We must have a way for the future of Australia, more Nobel Prize winners, awards, and more prestigious people. Australia needs to be pure, intelligent, educated, disciplined, and most of all SAFE!!

  1. Increased budgets on Hospitals, Education, and other essential services: This should help with the developing generations and make school fun and appeal to all students, also this would help with University students and the development of more technology, Hospitals must be more staffed and more modern with advanced technology and up to date procedures, and services must be more funded to provide a more expanded category of services. The education system should grant what I call a reward income, for every student that successfully completes year 9, 10, 11, and 12 every completed year will grant a reasonable sum of money. This should encourage children to stay at school and have a reason to strive for the best. Our schools must be well disciplined with the compromisation of our students, punishment is one sided in our schools now, punishment should be respected for the real cause of the problem. Students should get more leeway then they already do. School hours should be taken down to 4 and half hours a day with optional weekend schooling for the students who are committed.

  1. Australia First: We must put Australian's first, ahead of our international collaborations and relations. We must ensure the rights and freedoms of every Australian. We must stick to our original constitution, we must hold our freedom and our heritage.

  1. Bring The Troops Home: We need to withdraw our troops from the Middle East, we are fighting and losing soldiers to a war with no cause, a war not in Australian interests, but Israel's interests. We must bring every soldier home and welcome them with the ultimate celebration, a nationwide party commemorating our fallen troops and our troops who have returned home. It is time we take back and repair the pieces our governments have ruthlessly torn to shreds in the last two decades.

  1. Free Our Media, Free Our Minds: History needs to be taught the correct way, we must learn about our ancestors, we must learn about our culture, about our struggles and the abuse of our civil rights, we must tell the truth about Australian history, not the one sided version the liberalists want us to hear. We must be acknowledged the Aboriginal people caused acts of terror to the European settlers. We are taught how Captain Cook was a murderer, and the aboriginal renegade Pemulwuy was honoured and considered a hero for the rape and murder of dozens of White Europeans. We must avoid the indoctrination of "tolerance" that is used to profit for the globalized media. Our Media must be fair and free, we must not grant access to Zionists and their incessant need to control our Media. We must go full throttle to ensure our media and our education becomes free from corruption.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Jewish Terrorism Against The United States!!

Hello, I am Bayden Duke, bringing you the latest article from The Australian United National Socialist Party.
Today I am going to discuss the true murderers and terrorists and expose them for who they really are!

The state of Israel has committed atrocities against the USA, The Palestinian People, but most importantly, Israel have committed atrocities against the world. I am going to list them down as far as I can until I cannot think anymore. But first I am going to briefly descrive the crimes against humanity Israel have perpetrated, and hope that the people reading this will understand where I am coming from. I am not doing this blog or forming this party for the reasons of abhorrence against any ethnic groups as every race has the right to preserve themselves. But they only have the right to preserve themselves in THEIR country. I am forming this party and writing articles every week for the reason I am a defender for my heritage, my family, but most importantly, my country. People will no doubtedly call me racist, anti-semetic, neo nazi etc etc. BUT IF STATING THE FACTS AND THE TRUTH MAKES YOU A RACIST, OR AN ANTI-SEMITE, OR EVEN A NEO NAZI, THEN BY HELL I AM A RACIST, I AM A ANTI-SEMITE, I AM A NEO NAZI!!

I need to get the facts straight why I am doing this.
Do you want your children to grow up in the world where softcore porn is the mainstream label, where girl stereotypes are replaced from skirts, jeans, shorts, to bras and undies?? Do you want a pregnant 11 year old daughter?? Do you want your daughter sneaking out every night at 12 years old to smoke pot, get drunk and fornicate with as many guys as possible?? Do you want your daughter to move out of home at 14 years old despising your parental methods and rebelling to run away from home, fornicate with men for lifts, drug addiction, alcoholism etc etc????

NO!! Nobody wants that!!

Do you want your son to turn violent against you?? Do you want a drug addicted son?? A father at 14?? A son who associates with low life street trash, to drop out of school and end up in jail for rape, robbery, or murder??

NO!! Nobody wants that!!

This is why I am doing what I do today, because of the trasformation of the next generation from potential successes to superficial sheep, tuning into Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Rhianna, 50 Cent, Usher, Amy Winehouse, Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, Tupac etc etc. These artists are nothing more than corporate sellouts, they loop beats on a computer, modify their voices and sing basic lyrics! The morph of musical culture is not progressing, instead it is declining to a computer, simple beats on a loop, modified vocals, and demoralizing lyrics. AND THE OWNERS OF 80% OF THESE MUSICAL COMPANIES, ARE ZIONISTS!!!!!!

But that isn't my point entirely, I was only summarizing my point of why I am doing this for any person curious.

I will now point out the acts of terrorism, murder, assassination Israel have committed against America.
  1. 1967 - The Attack On The USS Liberty: This is the attack on a US Technical Research ship by Israeli Air Forces and Israeli Navy Torpedo Boats. After being exposed for the crime Israel blatently lied about the murder stating "it was an accident" Yet the film footage showed differently. 34 Crewmen were killed and 171 Crewmen wounded. It couldn't have been an accident when you stood foot on the ship and looked an American in the eyes and killed him. Israel paid out compensation to the families of the killed Crewmen, $3,323,500 was issued between the families of the killed US soldiers. But where do you think the money came from?? We all know the money paid was from American tax payers money, and all Israel did was just give their money back. The minds of the nation have been corrupted by the one sided Zionist controlled media due to sites like wikipedia etc.
  2. 1954 - The Lavon Affair: This is the attack Israel planned to bomb Egyptian, British and American owned targets, such as Libraries. The Israeli military intelligence agency recruited Egyptian-Jews to place bombs inside Egyptian, British and American targets to blame Egyptians and label them "terrorists" but were caught out. Israel admitted to the terrorist attack and were still given money from American taxpayers, and in 2005 they were given medals and called heroes!!
and we support this propaganda?

Friday, June 24, 2011

Discussion on Carbon Tax

Here's a rather interesting school of thought on the carbon tax. Makes you think doesn't it?

Professor Ian Plimer could not have said it better!

If you've read his book you will agree, this is a good summary.

Okay, here's the bombshell. The volcanic eruption in Iceland, since its first spewing of volcanic ash has, in just FOUR DAYS, NEGATED EVERY SINGLE EFFORT you have made in the past five years to control CO2 emissions on our planet – all of you.

Of course you know about this evil carbon dioxide that we are trying to suppress – it’s that vital chemical compound that every plant requires to live and grow, and to synthesize into oxygen for us humans, and all animal life.

I know, it's very disheartening to realize that all of the carbon emission savings you have accomplished while suffering the inconvenience and expense of: driving Prius hybrids, buying fabric grocery bags, sitting up till midnight to finish your kid's "The Green Revolution" science project, throwing out all of your non-green cleaning supplies, using only two squares of toilet paper, putting a brick in your toilet tank reservoir, selling your SUV and speedboat, vacationing at home instead of abroad, nearly getting hit every day on your bicycle, replacing all of your 50 cents light bulbs with $10.00 light bulbs...well, all of those things you have done have all gone down the tubes in just four days.

The volcanic ash emitted into the Earth's atmosphere in just four days - yes - FOUR DAYS ONLY by that volcano in Iceland, has totally erased every single effort you have made to reduce the evil beast, carbon. And there are around 200 active volcanoes on the planet spewing out this crud any one time - EVERY DAY.

I don't really want to rain on your parade too much, but I should mention that when the volcano Mt Pinatubo erupted in the Philippines in 1991, it spewed out more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than the entire human race had emitted in its entire YEARS on earth. Yes folks, Mt Pinatubo was active for over one year – think about it.

Of course I shouldn't spoil this touchy-feely tree-hugging moment and mention the effect of solar and cosmic activity and the well-recognized 800-year global heating and cooling cycle, which keep happening, despite our completely insignificant efforts to affect climate change.

And I do wish I had a silver lining to this volcanic ash cloud but the fact of the matter is that the bush fire season across the western USA and Australia this year alone will negate your efforts to reduce carbon in our world for the next two to three years. And it happens every year.

Just remember that your government just tried to impose a whopping carbon tax on you on the basis of the bogus “human-caused” climate change scenario.

Hey, isn’t it interesting how they don’t mention “Global Warming” any more, but just “Climate Change” - you know why? It’s because the planet has COOLED by 0.7 degrees in the past century and these global warming bull artists got caught with their pants down.

And just keep in mind that you might yet have an Emissions Trading Scheme – that whopping new tax – imposed on you, that will achieve absolutely nothing except make you poorer. It won’t stop any volcanoes from erupting, that’s for sure.

But hey, relax, give the world a hug and have a nice day!

PS: I wonder if Iceland is buying carbon offsets?

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Page Name - Racism in ABORIGINAL Australia.


I just came across the most vile, disgusting left wing propaganda I have ever seen. I recommend you to read this page of disgust and hypocrisy!!

The page name alone is one big load of contradiction. Racism in Aboriginal Australia? That title is reverse nationalism directed as a tool against the white population of Australia. "Black Racism History" Yet we never get any pages named "White Racism History" which is helping identify racism on white people worldwide. "Black Racism History" and "White Racism History" I am guessing would be the exact same thing, another propaganda tool to teach our youth to hate ourselves with this one-sided indispicibable propaganda!!

If you check out this page http://www.inthemix.com.au/forum/archive/index.php/t-41325.html it is a forum discussing crime and unsocial behaviour in Everleigh Street Redfern. Of course there are the group of morons labelling the entire group "racist".... why?? For discussing experiences they have had with the Aboriginal community in Redfern?? For speaking the truth and their minds they are racist?? NO!! The people slapping "racist" tags are the real racists.

Why are there so many inspirational stories on experiences with white people surviving and maintaining friendships in Aboriginal majority areas??

Because, a situation like this to happen is highly unlikely and pretty much rare. But the left wing multicultural greens will jump off their seats and rush to write a story about white and black people living together in a dominantly black area just to prove something.. What are they actually proving?? That one person made it lucky?? In a comparison to the stabbings, assaults, robberies, murders, rapings which happen every night to at least 1 or more white people just because they are white?? Why does the left wing media avoid these stories for, they are issues facing the safety of our people, the issues facing the nation. Not some heartwarming story about a white man making friends with the Aboriginal community.

I suggest you read these pages and get your buckets prepared to vomit. I wouldn't even be suprised if you vomited at the poll at the top of this article... I almost did. WHEN WILL WE WAKE UP!!!!!

A cheese named 'Coon'.
Is this cheese name racist? "COON is Australia's best known cheese brand," says the company's website

Current Poll Results

Yes, I find it racist.
780 (32.8%) 
No, 'Coon' doesn't offend anyone.
730 (30.7%) 
I'm not sure what the fuss is about.
865 (36.4%) 
Total votes: 2375

Read more: http://www.creativespirits.info/aboriginalculture/people/racism.html#ixzz1PxeCusPk

The Right For Every Australian To Defend Themselves!!

How often does it occur? Crime of every degree, Robbery, Murder, Rape, Assault, Kidnapping etc are skyrocketing in our own country, the once safe Australia is now a cesspool haven for illegal immigrants, teenage thugs, organised crime and ethnic racism on white people. It is pretty much now unsafe to take a casual walk in neighbourhoods such as Redfern, Bankstown, Cabramatta, Punchbowl, Mt Druitt, Emerton, Doonside, Blacktown, Seven Hills, Cambelltown, Macquarie Fields, Lakember etc. And in most of these cases the victim is generally white. Now let me tell the left wing ultra protectionist greens, if diversity was such an amazing thing, why don't you move to Louis Street or Everleigh Street in Redfern and take your hippie multiculturalist ethnic loving propaganda with you and see how far you will get and how much they will really care!!

I propose for The Australian United National Socialist Party, the right for trusted and proven citizens to bear arms and have the right to self defence, but there are many issues on both sides of the story. If guns are enabled, it would be easier for an excuse to kill a person you don't like and when approached by authorities justify your cause by stating "I was using it in self defence, do you have any proof I wasn't?" This would be hard for the authorities to decide wether this person is telling the truth, and if that case drops, many other people will use it as a legitimate excuse to pardon away from murder, which will eventually lead to the collapse of the principals of self defence and potentially imprison innocent people who were actually defending themselves.

But on the pro side, a person armed would feel more confident walking down the streets, and if Australians are granted the right to an armed weapon petty thugs, rapists, murderers, kidnappers, gang members could think twice before approaching an elderly woman.

I believe Australians have the right to defend themselves, I believe Australians have the right to freedom!!

But there is an issue facing this potential freedom, I believe every Australian between the age of 14 - 17 must complete a 6 month military course to have the freedom to own an armed weapon. A 6 month military course must involve with programs such as:
  1. Learning to properly handle and use a firearm.
  2. Learning how to clean and assemble a firearm.
  3. Learning the freedoms and serious issues of owning a firearm.
  4. Hand to hand combat (In case the adolescent does not have a firearm on them at the time.)
  5. Australia's new constitution, our freedoms and rights.
  6. Learning to respond to a national crisis, eg (war, natural disaster, missiles etc.)
For the 6 months taken to complete the course an optional additional 3 months may be added under the choice of the recruit to allow further training and development of skills. After the additional 3 month course, students may enlist in the Australian Armed Forces to serve their country.

The situation is becoming critical and serious as more and more crime is on the rise in the quiet surburban streets of our own backyards.
We must learn not to harm another person with a firearm, unless you know your safety is in jeporady!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Generation Barbie Doll

We are under attack!

Here in Australia we are some of the most privileged people alive today. Yet all that is great about living in this our wonderful country is set to be stripped away by a firestorm of immorality.
Have you watched tv recently? Perhaps tuned into channel 10’s ‘video hits’ on Saturday mornings. I watched it last week, and could not believe my eyes. It amounted to little more than soft pornography with some overproduced music as an overlay. This is part of the culture of immorality that pervades every aspect of our media. Girls are growing up believing that living like a slut is the right thing to do. Living like a criminal is now apparently ‘cool’.

Where has this come from? How could society have fallen so far? What has happened to the decency and morality that protected us for so long? In the media rules are being constantly broken down, a so called ‘singer’ known as Lady Gaga has basically made herself famous by dressing in a manner that by rights should have someone arrested.

Is this really the right way to behave, do we want a society where effective nudity in public is acceptable? I think not. Western society was founded on morality, on principles of dignity and respect. Not smut, lawlessness and public indecency.

“Things change” they say “You gotta move with the times”. Well if times have moved us into a world where acts of depravity are tolerated I wish we hadn’t moved an inch. This besides, morality does not change, what is good and moral has always existed and always shall exist, but more and more people choose to ignore it.

Even as popular culture fosters an immoral, ghetto mentality among people, where being a criminal and becoming one of society’s scumbags is something to be admired, the REAL WORLD becomes more and more a place where for national integrity to remain unscarred, strength and morality are key among the people. The honeymoon enjoyed by the world after the collapse of the iron curtain has well and truly ended. And tensions are beginning to rise once again. We have seen conflict renewed in Korea for the first time in half a century, and the part of the world that supplies us all with oil is rapidly falling into violent revolution as despotism and desperation for change clash violently.

To the north, just a few hundred kilometres away lies the communist state of china. A nation that controls 7% of the worlds surface excluding the oceans. And balances on that landmass 22% of the world’s population and rising. And China is an expansionist state, building up its military to the point where it can almost rival the USA.

As tensions climb in the world, at home we are obsessing over the superficial and immoral. I like to refer to todays youth as Generation Barbie Doll. But when the firestorm comes, and mark my words it will come, The Barbie Dolls melt. While our culture and intelligence are degraded by obsession over superficial immorality we cannot hope to stand up for ourselves or our nation.

National Pride, National Security, National Integrity are the basis for our society. Our rights and our way of life are based on our nation.

We must stand strong. The integrity of our nation cannot be compromised, and inside we cannot lose all that we have gained in two hundred years as society descends into immorality.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Official Charter Of The Australian United National Socialist Party.

This post includes the policies and and rules of the Australian United National Socialist Party. They are fair and easy rules to comply to. In this post I will first point down our policies and the official rules of the Australian United National Socialist Party.

  1. The Complete Cease of Illegal Immigration: This core policy is set on the limitation and eventual stop of Illegal Immigration. This policy must be undertaken in order to strengthen and fabricate a united nationalist state. We cannot unite our people together with the continued flow of Illegal Immigrants. Our governments are currently rolling out the red carpet for more and more boats of Illegal Immigrants, to lock them up in detention centres for a period of time and then grant them funds from our taxes and cluster them in housing commission areas. This is not what Australia should be about.. This is not what our once great nation should be. Illegal Immigrants are clustered into commissionised areas with high crime rates, and with the mix of hip-hop music and western society the youth will gain a sense of nationalist pride and form gangs to intimidate and attack innocent people. There are moral ethics to the freedom and right's of any person who wants to become Australian, but there is a line with these ethics and the line is being crossed.
  2. A Brand New System of Economy: Capitalism is on the inevitable verge of collapse with the excessive greed and spending of our globalized corporations and media. Capitalism is a rabid dog that has been let off it's leash to poison and pollute the principals of good bussiness. Capitalism does not benefit the people, nor the state, it benefits the rich while the hungry hand of Globalization clusters into the wallets of the poor. In our new system of economy every Australian who is a decent working individual should be grtanted with a reasonable income, we must cut off tax eg. Miners tax, Carbon tax, etc, hidden tax eg. GST. We must lower interest rates in banks to 3%. We must expell the large amounts of different banks for the Australian economy to have 2 - 3 different banks with the same principles and offers that can benefit any person, the incompetence of banks must stop. We must destory the communist agenda of our Labor and Liberal tyrants and stabalize our economy, the way it should be. We must build more projects abound Australia and increase the GDP, develop new towns and decentralize large cities to allow the growth and stability of developing towns which would cut down excessively high housing costs and crime rates. We must strengthen our borders with a more powerful and well funded militarization of Australia from possible foreign invaders. And finally we must develop alternate ways for energy, cut off carbon tax, convert to electric cars, hydrogen powered cars, natural gas resources would lower the costs of electricity in a great deal.
  3. Abolish Multiculturalism: It has been proven multiculturalism is failing, with the mixture of different ideas and cultures all clustered into one small space it tends to destabalize the socio-economic factors. Australia must be pure and white again. Australia must keep it's identity. It is proving that our race will soon die out as in the USA the white population is soon to become a minority, and eventually white people will be bred out and the founders of the USA, the ones to flourish will become extinct. Even in Australia we are soon to become a minority, it is fact that 301,000 Australians are born every year, but the number of immigrants entering our country a year is 382,710, the majority from Asia and The Middle East. Australia's current population is 22,637,561, currently 85% of Australia is white, but with the numbers if immigration growing every year within the next 50 years White australia will become a minority. Multiculturalism would work with a disciplined state, but with the upcoming generations and teenage rebellion and impressionable ideas our country will be overpopulated and our youth will follow a pathway of crime, and if not crime then racially discriminated against by foreigners with a sense of their own nationalist pride.
  4. Free trade: Australia must keep their bussinesses Australian, we must not sell off our assets to foreign investors with only one puropse, to profit off our annual income, we are losing billions because of our careless bussiness ethics and selling our hard working companies to the first money hungry globalist. We must make our products Australian made, me must avoid trading with sweatshops and purchasing items for an excessive amount of money which are only worth 20 cents. We are being ripped off. A lot of the reason we are not earning as much money as we should be is out government is being ripped off and taxed for buying products from overseas. We must annihilate the monopolistic corporations ran by the government which rise retail prices and rip us off out of our hard earned money.
  5. Establish a More Safer Australia: We must form a vigilante wing to cease crime around our cities, this would help with the decay of large criminal organizations and drug trafficing rings. A more stable and competent police force, we must build more projects that are suitable for our youth, that can be educational and fun. We must pave a way for the future of Australia, more nobel prize winners, awards, more prestigious people. Australia needs to be pure, intelligent, educated, disciplined, and most of all SAFE!!
  6. Increased budgets on Hospitals, Education, and other essential services: This should help with the developing generations and make school fun and appeal to all students, also this would help with University students and the development of more technology, Hospitals must be more staffed and more modern with advanced technology and up to date procedures, and services must be more funded to provide a more expanded category of serivces. The education system should grant what I call a reward income, for every student that successfuly completes year 9, 10, 11, and 12 every completed year will grant a reasonable sum of money. This should encourage children to stay at school and have a reason to strive for the best. Our schools must be well disciplined with the compromisation of our students, punishment is one sided in our schools now, punishment should be respected for the real cause of the problem. Students should get more leeway then they already do. School hours should be taken down to 4 and a half hours a day with optional weekend schooling for the students who are committed.
  7. Australia First: We must put Australian's first, ahead of our international collaborations and relations. We must ensure the rights and freedoms of every Australian. We must stick to our original constitution, we must hold our freedom and our heritage.
  8. Bring The Troops Home: We need to withdraw our troops from the Middle East, we are fighting and losing soldiers to a war with no cause, a war not in Australian interests, but Israel's interests. We must bring every soldier home and welcome them with the ultimate celebration, a nationwide party commerorating our fallen troops and our troops who have returned home. It is time we take back and repair the peices our governments have ruthlessly torn to shreds in the last two decades.
  9. Free Our Media, Free Our Minds: History needs to be taught the correct way, we must learn about our ancestors, we must learn about our culture, about our struggles and the abuse of our civil rights, we must tell the truth about Australian history, not the one sided version the liberalists want us to hear. We must be acknowledged the Aboriginal people caused acts of terror to the european settlers. We are taught how Captain Cook was a murderer, and the aboriginal renegade Pemulwuy was honoured and considered a hero for the rape and murder of dozens of White Europeans. We must avoid the indoctrination of "tolerance" that is used to profit for the globalized media. Our Media must be fair and free, we must not grant access to Zionists and their incessant need to control our Media. We must go full throttle to ensure our media and our education becomes free from corruption.

The Rules of TAUNSP include:
  1.  There will be no movements or coups to divide the party, if anybody challenges the authority of the high party, termination will occur.
  2. If any rules are broken in The Australian United National Socialist Party, the individual/group have the right to a commitee tribunal for redemption if the offense is light.
  3. We have the rights and rules to speak our minds, any idea will be acknowledged and discussed for the better of Australia.
These are the 3 main rules at the moment, and I will follow them up when time progresses.

Bayden Duke, Leader of The Australian United National Socialist Party.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Dr William Pierce Discusses WWII

Official UANSP Application Form.


Date of Birth:



Phone Number:


Why are you interested in joining The United Australian National Socialist Party??:

How many hours a week can you work on posting blogs on this webpage??:

This is the official application letter of The United Australian National Socialist Party.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Sign Up For A Better Australia

The United Australian National Socialist Party is taking in application emails to join the UANSP. I hope I can get my inbox flooded before July. I will create an application form and if you are interested to sign up, fill out the form and send an email to TheFinalWar@hotmail.com. There will not be an official party as of yet, but I am willing to let any interested participants have access to my blog and contribute valuable information about world affairs.

I will create a form tomorrow and publicly post it on my next article.
For the time now I wolud greatly appreciate it if people would follow my blog and post comments. I will always reply to any question you have to ask, as it is my duty to lead Australia.

Thank you for your views and support.


Jewish Extremism And It's Media Cover Up - Dr David Duke

War Crimes Against Humanity, Obama Targeting The Wrong Leaders? Mrs Gillard BRING THE BOYS HOME!!

In the year the United States Of America have put to media attention the genocides and war crimes of numerous leaders throughout the world. Hosni Mubarak and his two sons, Colonel Mummar Gadaffi, Ratko Mladic, Adolf Storms etc. I am not doubting the atrocities caused by these leaders but the real question should be "Are the US going to trial the right people?" There is one man who today is responsible for the murders, genocide and terrorism of thousands upon thousands of innocent men, women, and children. There is a whole line of men who are continuing to murder and main innocent civilians and even recently murder 13 people, yet the US continue to pour them with funds, support, and the grant to murder more and more people. Ariel Sharom, Binyamin Netanyahu, Levi Eshkol, Ehud Barak etc. These men are responsible for the mass exodus and genocides of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian people and the US continue to support them.

We are losing Aussie troops in Afghanistan, more numbers in the last fortnight and recently a hero Rowan robinson. Why do we continue to let our troops fight and die for no real cause?? We never had a conflict in the Middle East, we have never had a terrorist attack on us or any threats from Taliban. We only join the war because America are in the war, and America are in the war because Israel want a war. 3 quarters of Australia want our boys to return home, but the Zionist traitor Julia Gillard is continuing to let more and more Aussie troops die. I bet with in the next 2 - 3 months we will have more innocent Australian troops die at the hands on Zionism.

Not only are Israel responsible for the deaths, torture, maiming, bombing, and exodus of the Palestinian people, but are also responsible for the murders of Australian soldiers, American soldiers, British Soldiers, German soldiers all drawn into a war with a false promise and no real reason. The "weapons of mass destruction" were lies, none were found. And funnily enough when America invaded Iraq and Afghanistan, the price of oil soared. Our left wing protectionist parties have no policy on bringing the boys home as neither do the Liberals nor Labor. Our own government are traitors, they may say "we are trying for the best of the Australian people" yet everything they do angers the Australian people more and more. Our leaders should be trialed for war crimes, Mrs Gillard, BRING THE BOYS HOME!! Because they have families to take care of, their own lives are in danger, and you are doing nothing about it. When an Aussie troop dies you can decorate a mass funeral and give a speech honourng the individuals life to look like you care. But instead of arranging fancy ceremonies and heartfelt speeches, I think everybody would rather BRING OUR TROOPS HOME!! Then hear the rhetoric and bullshit that is vomited from your mouth.

I will now honour every Australian who has given their lives as heroes for Australia in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Andrew Russell, 33  
David Pearce, 41  
Matthew Locke, 33  
Luke Worsley, 26  
Jason Marks, 27  
Sean McCarthy, 25  

 Michael Fussell, 25  
Gregory Michael Sher, 30 
  Mathew Hopkins, 21  
Brett Till, 31  

Benjamin Ranaudo, 22 
  Darren Smith, 25 
  Jacob Moerland, 21
   Ben Chuck, 27
Timothy Aplin, 38 

  Scott Palmer, 27 
  Nathan Bewes, 23  
Stuart Nash, 21
 Jason Thomas Brown, 29
Grant Kirby, 35 

  Thomas Dale, 21  
 Jared MacKinney, 28 
  Richard Edward Atkinson, 22
Jamie Larcombe, 21 

  Brett Wood, 32 
  Andrew Jones, 25
   Marcus Case, 27  
 Rowan Robinson, 23


Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Obama Deception

The Puropse Of Zionism In The Media And It's Effects On Our Youth.

This is a little report I have decided to express about the effects the mainstream media are force feeding our youth such as:
  • Demoralization.
  • Historial Lies and Half Truths.
  • Misconception of Ideas.
  • Propaganda (Political, Social, Racial)
  • Desensitization.
And much more.

Some people deny the "ridiculous conspiracy theory" that Israeli extremists control the mainstream media, but I have proof otherwise. "Jews totally run Hollywood" a quote from Joel Stein in the latimes articles. Don't believe me? Look it up for yourself. http://articles.latimes.com/2008/dec/19/opinion/oe-stein19

CBS, CNN, FOX, Disney, BBC, NBC, Warner Bros, Newscorp, MTV, etc etc. They are all pro Israel, and a lot of them are even zionist extremists. The effects that have taken a turn on the audience are generally negative. For the younger generation, the mainstream media is the worst if not controlled.

MTV for example completely destroyes the concept of original beauty and intelligence. It shows the shallow and superficial ways of life and actually promotes them. It teaches young teenagers to be "cool" and throw parties, and have excessive underage sex, and to wear a ton of makeup to impress "the boys" In the MTV hit Jersey Shore, every character is a dimwitted barbie doll which holds no significant traits except to young teenagers "they are COOL"

Disney is another example of Political Brainwashing, teaching racism against Muslims and subliminally promoting the New World Order, and praising Jews. I have a clip of a scary example of Political Brainwashing on Disney show "Suite life on Deck."

Does this not look suspicious, it makes perfect sense. They do not expect little children to research Kensian Economics and even Malthusian Theory. That is proof of the New World Order plotting to control our population, to exterminate the "unworthy"

The other clip just above is more proof about the Zionist domination about ainstream media. The clip features David Duke abslouting handing it out to Jewish extremist Wolf Blitzer.

There are so many hard evidences about Israels grip over the media, and we must fight against those Zionists to free our media from a control and one sided story.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

David Duke - US Senator Charles Schumer Exposed

Thankyou For The Views

Thankyou everyone for the first half of the year views. It is rather impressive that I had only 3 months ago created this blog. Luckily I had made the page more appealing and our views have jumped to 120 from 50 in 2 weeks. For everyone who is reading my blog and who is interested, The United Australian National Socialist Party is a serious idea of mine and I would hope to form a united and true form of Government within the next few years. I would appreciate it if people would leave comments on my articles, if so I would respond as quick as possible. If you want to privately Email me then feel free to leave me an Email.

I am true to my word, I am true to my Country, and I am true to my Race.


Leader Of The United Australian National Socialist Party.

The Core Policies of The New Australian National Socialist Party

  1. Completely Cease Immigration: This policy is set on the reduction and eventual stop of Illegal Immigration. This policy must be taken in order to strengthen and fabricate a nationalist state. We cannot bring our people together with the flow of Illegal immigrants and migrants.
  2. A Brand New System Of Economy: Capitalism is on the inevitable brink of collapse, Capitalism has lost control and been let off the leash. Capitalism does not benefit the people, it does not benefit the state. Capitalism only benefits the rich and strips the poor. A system of economy should grant every Australian the opportunity to have a genuine flow of cash. Eg. Increased building projetcs, more job offers, A more strengthened militarization of Australia, more factories, and even a nuclear plant.
  3. Abolish Unessecary Taxes: The recent Gillard action of introducitn Carbon tax is just another hand reaching into our wallets and stealing more of our hard earned money. As if we need to pay more to survive. Our politicians state Carbon tax is just another way to make the cost of living harder. Well maybe Carbon tax, Work Choice, Miners Tax, etc etc etc are just ridiculous and superficial eco-conservative and labour ideas just to suck more cash out of our wallets. Mr Abbot, to make the cost of living cheaper?? Why not cut off all ridiculous taxes instead of just Carbon tax?? The only reason you oppose Carbon Tax is because that is a part of your job.
  4. Abolish Multiculturalism: Multiculturalism is the failing process of merging different cultures together, in some ways it benefits us, but in other ways it leads to crime, gangs, poverty, and exceedingly high funds to maintain the prison system. Multiculturalism would work with a disciplined state, but with the upcoming generations and teenage rebellion and impressionable ideas our country will be overpopulated and our youth will follow a pathway of crime, and if not crime then racially discriminated against.
  5. Keep Australian bussinesses AUSTRALIAN!!: We must not sell our hard work to foreign investors, we must keep Australia AUSTRALIA! We must not sell off our properties and bussinesses to the foreign investors.
  6. Establish A More Safe Australia: This policy is based on forming a police wing to protect and keep neighbourhoods safe, we must from a neighbourhood watch to protect citizens from crime, to destabalize street gangs and keep justice within the state.
  7. Decentralization of big bussiness into smaller developing towns: This would help the economy, provide Australians with much more employment opportunities, develop a population growth, and keep the public happy.
  8. Increased Spending On Education, Hospitals, And Essential Services: This should help with the developing generations and make school fun and appeal to all students, also this wuold help with University students and the development of more technology, Hospitals must be more staffed and more modern with advanced technology and up to date procedures, and services must be more funded to provide a more expanded category of serivces.
  9. The Unification Of Australia: We must unite every pure Australian to be a proud people, we must think of ourselves before the wants of foreigners. Australia must be kept AUSTRALIA!!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Dr David Duke - Wicked Witch Osama and Wizard Obama

The Hypocrisy of Racism.

There are so many fundamental flaws in our system when it comes to "racism." It is pointed out every day and generally ignored, but only ignored when it is directed towards a white person.

Our system feels so compelled to give the struggling black man a hand, and help him overcome his historical injustices. But it is too late for that redemption, The stolen generation was over 40 years ago and our leaders need to get it through their heads that no matter how much support or aid they give to a minority they will continue to fail and destabalize.

  1. If a black man calls a white man a "cracker, honky, white boy" it is seen a comedy, it is ignored by the public. But if a white man calls a black man a "Nigger, Coon, Porch Monkey" he is a racist.
  2. If a group of black men brutally assault a white man and leave him for dead, it is considered assault. But if a group of white men brutally assault a black man, it is consided a hate crime, and sometimes even shown on national news.
  3. The Australian flag represents ALL AUSTRALIANS, and the Aboriginal flag ONLY represents Aboriginal people. But if a flag was made for whites only, then it would be "RACIST"
  4. AUSTUDY and ABSTUDY are the exact same centrelink benefits, but why the hell do they have two different names?? This awfully sounds like racial seperatism.
  5. To enrol in a course at University, College etc, for a white person it is the full cost. Eg. My course was $955, but for Aboriginal people the cost was $0 most people would justify that as "the course is free because Aboriginal people need a chance for an education, they are poor and need it" Well what if there was a white person who had a poor drug fucked family and wanted an education?? Still they would have to pay the full price.

So why do our leaders continue to discriminate on their own?? Our government have no idea about the way a country should be ran. I watched a debate on carbon tax last night on APAC (Australian Public Affairs Channel) and the debate was about as intelligent as a drug addict rambling on about the apocolypse. So many people despise racism, and the majority of people who despise racism are themselves denying someones human rights to justify the actions of another. Why is our planet riddled with stupidity. Our media is controlled and our government is ran by a pack of incompetent fools.


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

How Will It Take For The White Race To Die???

A question which has sparked many individuals is "How long will it take for the white race to die??"
The answer lies in the hands of the people themselves. With boatloads of Immigrants, racial mixture with non-whites, it doesn't seem too long before a big change occurs. Our media promotes interracial marriage, and relationships. Our government roll out the red carpet for immigrants and welcome them with a mass payout and a kiss to the left cheek.

Our leaders don't care about us, and if any politician steps up and questions the reality, he is immediately dubbed a "racist" by the media. If anybody dared to care about their culture who is Black or Asian, they would be dubbed heroes and patted on the shoulder for their efforts. Doesn't anybody see the hypocrisy in that? Our own leaders who are WHITE, would rather take the side of the foreign minority who benefits no economic contribution to the country, only cost more.

It really upsets me that recently I joined a group on facebook called "If you want to come to OUR country, you learn OUR language" gladly enough this page gathered 930,000 likes which suprised me quite a bit.

But the thing that had upset me was the amount of overly sensitive anti racists who were commenting. I have a personal quote.. "The only true racist, is an anti-racist" now the signs of weakness in an Anti-Racist are:

  1. When debating with an Anti-Racist they tend to justify the acts of racism on a white person. Eg. "Aboriginal people are just as or more racist then most white people are" that is then responded with "Yeah, maybe because we have oppressed them and hurt their people for decades".... That isn't hypocrisy?? You target me for racism, and then justify racism to prove your point.
  2. The Anti-Racist who cares if you are "racist" to them. Eg. You dislike Asians, Muslims, Africans, but are good friends with an Aboriginal person. The Aboriginal person would not care you are racist to the other cultures, they would only care if you are racist to them. Racism all together should be a bad thing, it shouldn't be turned and twisted to suit somebody's point.
It is shown in statistics that by 2025 in America, the white race will become a minority, and by 2040 the white race will be mixed with African and Hispanic blood. DO YOU REALLY WANT THAT TO HAPPEN, THAT THE MOST INTELLIGENT AND ADVANCED CULTURE BECOMES WIPED OUT DUE TO THE INCOMPETENCE OF THE WHITE NATION SPEAKING OUT??????

My brothers we must orgranise everything we can, because we have limited time. Our culture will degrade to a cesspool of "Wiggers' and "Barbie Dolls" with the Influence of Zionism. (MTV, CNN, NBC, BBC, CBS, FOX) Etc, ETc, ETC!!!

We must stand together, because we can all talk shit about preserving our heritage and follow the 14 words, or we can fucking do something!!!!!!!

Stand together Australia.
Stand together America.
Stand together Europe.
And Victory we can claim.


Monday, May 23, 2011

How Zionists Divide And Conquer

Obama Refuses Palestinian Independence.

Barak Obama has rejected the idea that the Palestinian people could possibly have their own state in the near future. Obama was speaking at the AIPAC conference when he continued to follow and support the Zionist regime.

The world is waking up slowly, and people are beginning to understand the power the media hold over our lives. I have thought about it in the last few days and noticed that Israel are preparing more military exercises and placing missile systems on the borders.

President Obama is not a "savior" or "the second coming of christ" Barak Obama is a supporter of Terrorism, a supporter of Israel.
It even states in the US policies that intimidation and assassinations are all factors of terrorism, all which Israel engage in and all that Obama supports.

Our world is slowly waking up, but will our people have time to save ourselves?? Because our days are close to ending and the only way we can survive is uniting.


Monday, May 16, 2011

Pictures Of The Revolt In Israel

These are the events taking place in Israel now.



The Third Palestinian Intifada Launches

Yesterday on the 15th May 2011 thousands of Palestinian protesters crossed the border of Israel from Lebanon, Syria, The West Back, Gaza, and Egypt to peacefully protest against the opression and 68 year tyranny Israel has forced onto Palestine.

Already 15 Palestinian people have been killed and up to 150 have been wounded on the border of Lebanon and in the West Bank. Israel claims they are defending their borders, yet the Palestinian people are unarmed. Israeli tanks have fired shells over the West Bank and declared a 24 hour lockdown of the city.

The Palestinian people are continuing to march hard and breach the borders of Israel.

In Cairo the Israeli embassy is under seige by thousands of protesters and they don't look to stop just yet.

It is the taste of Medicine and Justice being fed to the Zionist opressers.

More on the Intifada later to come.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Is Osama Bin Laden truly dead?

"It is a pinnacle of human history that the world's most wanted man has finally been put down and the world can progress and safer place."

That is what any mindless ignorant sheep would instantly assume without a single question.

Our world has now distorted to a decay in intelligence and culture, yesterday I travelled all around town to see hundreds of Australian people talking about the death of Osama Bin Laden.

"Oh I can't believe the American's have finally got him"

Countless Osama Bin Laden jokes from the believers.

There is so much more evidence suggesting that this "asassination" is a hoax than it had actually happened.
1. Where is the photographic evidence suggesting Osama Bin Laden is truly dead? There is apparently photographic evidence, but why is the U.S government refusing to show it? "The image is too graphic and gory?" There is a thing called "War Pornography" which involves thousands of clips of suicide bombings, beheadings. sniper headshots, drone attacks, close combat, dead children, raped women etc, etc, etc. There is another thing called hollywood where almost every mainstream film has high level graphic violence.

Why are the Americans so anxious and cautious about the image being too graphic? It is the 21st century everything you see resembles pain, suffering or death.

2. I noticed on Al Jazeera the American military apparently "had" targets all over Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Russia etc. This operation had been "planned" for months. The U.S sent in over "30 special forces soldiers" and attack helicopters. If this event had been planned for months, with some of the world's most elitely trained infantry, as a pose to Osama Bin Laden, another two men, and his wife, isn't it funny that the U.S couldn't capture him alive, although managing to extract numerous targets in relation to any group for deacdes?

The USA should have the ability to take him alive and interrogate him for information, then our questions would have been answered, about other al queada leaders, links, other "terrorist" groups etc etc.

3. Bin Laden was shot twice in the side of the head, and then almost instantly sent off to sea? He has had DNA tests with incredibly quick results that "proved" to be him? And the excuse if for no Islamic extremists to create a shrine and worship him? You wouldn't need to bury him in Pakistan, you would take his body to USA like you would to anybody else.

9/11 has cost the American people thousands of lives and millions of dollars of damage, not to add on the TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS that the American propaganda has fabricated to pay for a war nobody even needed. The people of America have every right to see and look at the body of the man who had apparently caused the most destructive terrorist attack in history. America can celebrate the death of a "terrorist" what about the thousands of muslim lives you have taken during your occupation, or even the Israeli occupation.

4. The time of Bin Laden's death corresponds 2 weeks after Obama's presidential election kicks off and almost 2 weeks before the apparent Third Palestinian Intifada. I have my own fabricated idea on why all of these events are linked and why all of them are so sudden.

My theory is:
The U.S.A and Israel know of the upcoming revolution of the Muslim world and the unity all for one real purpose. To launch a mass coup against Israel. Palestine have refused a "peace solution" with Israel and instead reconcilled with Hamas and Fatah who are both extreme despisers of Israel. The Muslim people of Egypt, Yemen, Syria, Palestine, Tuinisia, etc are all uniting under one banner to launch a massive attack on Israel. I believe the U.S.A has decided to stage the "assassination" of Bin Laden for an excuse to Withdraw troops from Iraq, Afghanistan to deploy units and prepare for defence with Israel against the apparent upcoming attack.

This is all suspicious and I don't buy into that propaganda one bit. I am sick of the lies and the deception of the mass media, and I am ready to take a stand. The Australian uprising must occur and I will lead our race to glory.