The answer lies in the hands of the people themselves. With boatloads of Immigrants, racial mixture with non-whites, it doesn't seem too long before a big change occurs. Our media promotes interracial marriage, and relationships. Our government roll out the red carpet for immigrants and welcome them with a mass payout and a kiss to the left cheek.
Our leaders don't care about us, and if any politician steps up and questions the reality, he is immediately dubbed a "racist" by the media. If anybody dared to care about their culture who is Black or Asian, they would be dubbed heroes and patted on the shoulder for their efforts. Doesn't anybody see the hypocrisy in that? Our own leaders who are WHITE, would rather take the side of the foreign minority who benefits no economic contribution to the country, only cost more.
It really upsets me that recently I joined a group on facebook called "If you want to come to OUR country, you learn OUR language" gladly enough this page gathered 930,000 likes which suprised me quite a bit.
But the thing that had upset me was the amount of overly sensitive anti racists who were commenting. I have a personal quote.. "The only true racist, is an anti-racist" now the signs of weakness in an Anti-Racist are:
- When debating with an Anti-Racist they tend to justify the acts of racism on a white person. Eg. "Aboriginal people are just as or more racist then most white people are" that is then responded with "Yeah, maybe because we have oppressed them and hurt their people for decades".... That isn't hypocrisy?? You target me for racism, and then justify racism to prove your point.
- The Anti-Racist who cares if you are "racist" to them. Eg. You dislike Asians, Muslims, Africans, but are good friends with an Aboriginal person. The Aboriginal person would not care you are racist to the other cultures, they would only care if you are racist to them. Racism all together should be a bad thing, it shouldn't be turned and twisted to suit somebody's point.
My brothers we must orgranise everything we can, because we have limited time. Our culture will degrade to a cesspool of "Wiggers' and "Barbie Dolls" with the Influence of Zionism. (MTV, CNN, NBC, BBC, CBS, FOX) Etc, ETc, ETC!!!
We must stand together, because we can all talk shit about preserving our heritage and follow the 14 words, or we can fucking do something!!!!!!!
Stand together Australia.
Stand together America.
Stand together Europe.
And Victory we can claim.
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